Explore Africa with Omobola

Explore Africa with Omobola

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Explore Africa with Omobola
  • Explore the Ndebele Tribe

    From their colorful clothing to their unique alphabet, this video will share six fun facts about the Ndebele tribe of southern Africa.

  • Explore Ghana

    From fancy coffins to satellite stations, this video will share six fun facts about the country of Ghana.

  • Explore Mansa Musa

    He was the richest man who ever lived, but how much do you know about him? This video will share six interesting facts about Mansa Musa.

  • Explore Dahomey Warriors

    They were an army of all women who fought to protect their kingdom, but the kingdom wasn’t always the good guy. This video will share six interesting facts about the Dahomey warriors.

  • Explore Mami Wata

    Who said mermaids can’t be black? African mermaids have existed for thousands of years, long before the little mermaid move was made. This video gives you a brief overview of one of the most popular African mermaids, Mami Wata