I Know Myself, i Like Myself
5m 48s
They have a lot going on in their heads! They often do not know how to tell us that they are trying to figure out who they are! We must teach them self-acceptance and to like who they are and who they will become!
“I Know Myself, I Like Myself” allows the main characters J and Jay to express what they know and like about themselves. Boys and girls may not realize just how cool they are until they take the time to get to know and like themselves.
Allow J and Jay to walk your child through this journey of reflection and self-awareness. I Know Myself, I Like Myself addresses the following questions and more:
Do you know what you like about yourself?
Do you know what others like about you?
Do you know what makes you angry?
What about what makes you happy?
Sometimes boys and girls have insecurities. Sometimes they may have fears. But, when they discover characteristics about themselves, they can overcome insecurities and fears. The goal of this book is to model leadership traits through J and Jay to help other boys and girls to develop self-awareness so they can become authentic leaders.